Saturday, March 26, 2011

Quick trip for soccer........

Well soccer games started this week (hot, and humid here NOT fun), and Brayden's team is not well organized yet.  They didn't even know there was a game today until I told them last night, so no one had been assigned snacks.  So I thought I would take them, I didn't have enough of anything prepacked at home though so I needed to run fast this morning for snacks.  Randalls is the store that is right by the soccer fields so that is where I was headed (plus I knew there were a few good deals).  So I had no coupons with me but this what I did ....
2 Mt. Dews
2 Caffine free Dr. P.
1 Cherry Dr. P - $5.99/each no sale Buy 2 Get 3 Free = $11.98 for the 5
6 Oreo Sticks pkg - sale 10/$10 = $6
1 Pretzel N cheese - 10/$10 =$1
1 Ritz N Cheese pkg -10/$10 (note when it say 10/ $10 you do NOT have to buy 10)=$1
3 Bags of Doritos - 3/$5 = $5
4 Big Boxes of Cheese Nips 10/$10 =$4
6.26 lbs of bananas $0.49/lb = $3.01

Total = 32.80 (saved $42.42 so not bad without coupons although Randalls would be more than some other stores would be)

Total for the month =$190.23- $32.80 = $157.43

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